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THSF 2010 finished, debriefing.

First of all, thanks to every awesome guys i’ve meet on this event. In particular to Marc Bruyère who give me a nice seat in his appartment. And every other guys in the tetalab !

I’ve been in Mix’art – Myrys, where living lot of artists, very nice. Creativity and OpenMind spirit is the keyword of the place.
The event involved Corpus Media, and they made fantastic show, based on the body, with video visualization and voice/audio transformation. I’ve take lot of pictures of mix’art, myrys, just browse them a little bit to feel the spirit 🙂

I’ve made a conference on PyMT on saturday. Unfortunatly, the streaming was cutted due to some guys using Free Internet connectivity for downloading torrents… Thanks guys ): Part of the streaming is available, but audio is desync. Specially for this event, you can see the Presemt application, made with Thomas and I. It’s available on PyMT-Apps : Presemt is a application to make dynamic presentation, based on PyMT.
I’ll record a little video, and push it on the website !
I think people have really appreciated the conference, and we already got new users 🙂

During the workshop day, Jimmy ask me if we can do an SMS Wall with PyMT, and play with it… I’ve spend more than 1 hour to check how i can get SMS from my HTC Hero. And i found Remote Notifier. Once a message is received on my Phone, it broadcast a TCP Packet using Wifi. 30 minutes later, we’ve got our first version of the SMSWall.
With a nice girl from tetalab (i don’t remember his name :/), we’ve started to make a V2 on saturday, with some other vizualization. But i’ve not been able to finish the code…

During the last day, i wanted to play with their LedWall in construction. An awesome work made by Lionel and Fabrice. This was my first attempt to use Arduino… and success ! After fixing some issues in the Arduino code, they have been able to use a sketch: Camera -> Pixelize -> Gray scale -> Send to arduino.

Now, you can check the video :
THSF – PyMT SMSWall + Deaf people
THSF – Led Wall !

And the pictures :