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Joojoo and multitouch on Ubuntu 10.10

Hi everyone,

Some people are asking how to make multitouch working on joojoo. It’s now possible, starting from Ubuntu 10.10 + some manipulations.

Utouch ppa

The working drivers for joojoo wasn’t finished and ready for ubuntu 10.10 release. However, the driver is available from the utouch-team ppa. So add the ppa :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:utouch-team/utouch
sudo apt-get update

And then, install the driver :

sudo apt-get install hid-egalax-dkms

The drivers should compile in live, and will be available in the next reboot. But don’t reboot now, we have more things to do.
But i got some troubles with default drivers, the dkms one don’t load if the old driver still exist.
So, ensure you have no other drivers in your /lib/modules :

$ sudo rm /lib/modules/2.6.35/kernel/drivers/hid/hid-egalax.ko
$ sudo depmod -a

udev rules

The joojoo screen have never the same /dev/input/eventX, and change from time to time. And it’s not readable by users.
We will create an udev rule to change permission, and symlink the /dev/input/eventX to /dev/input/event-joojoo

$ sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/80-joojoo.rules

And put this content in the file :

SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0eef", ATTRS{idProduct}=="720c", MODE="0644", SYMLINK="input/event-joojoo"


You should have your screen correctly working with one finger.


If you want to test multitouch, you can test PyMT :

$ sudo apt-get install python-pymt

Launch pymt one time, and hit escape :

$ python -m

Edit the configuration file ~/.pymt/config and add in [input] section :

joojoo = mtdev,/dev/input/event-joojoo
# And comment tuio and mouse input
# mouse = mouse
# default = tuio,

Then, you can test rapid demo or full desktop :

# rapid demo
$ python -m -a

# full desktop
$ python /usr/share/pymt-examples/desktop/ -a

Using pymt-dev version

If you are using pymt-dev version from github, they are new features to make joojoo experience more fun :

Disable mouse on activity

If you still want to use the mouse, but not the mouse when the touchscreen is used, you may want this feature. It will automaticly disable the mouse when touchscreen is used. Just change your [input] section to :

mouse = mouse,disable_on_activity

Sleeping when no activity detected

This is highly experimental: sleep module. If you will not touch the screen from a moment, the sleep module will introduce a sleep() call inside the main loop, in order to reduce the framerate. The sleep ramp and time can be configured. Check the sleep module documentation.

To activate it, put in ~/.pymt/config :

sleep =


That’s all. The Xorg is missing right now, it will be added soon 🙂